If you can’t travel to Kununurra for this year’s Festival you’ll still be able to meet (virtually) all our guest talent including Dervla McTiernan, Holden Sheppard, Christian White, Cindy Rodriguez Solonec, Aśka Illustration, Paul Genoni, Susan Midalia, Mel Hall and Tanya Dalzeill on Saturday 21 August for ‘The Main Event: On the Couch’.
The Main Event: On the Couch
Saturday 21 August
9:00am Who Sunk the Boat with Mel Hall
9:30am A Tale of Dirt, Dust and Heritage with Cindy Solonec
10:15am Invisible Boys, Visible Men with Holden Sheppard
11:00am In the Library with the Candlestick with Dervla McTiernan
12:00pm Lunch Break
12:45pm The Nowhere Wife with Christian White
1:30pm Greece is the Word with Paul Genoni & Tanya Dalzeill
2:15pm Sound of Silence with Susan Midalia
3:00pm The Scientific Formula of Drawing with Aśka
3:45pm Free for all! The whole crew get ready for the great inquisition – ask away!
Zoom details
Morning session: 9am – 12pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83134896480…
Meeting ID: 831 3489 6480
Passcode: 022190
Afternoon session: 12.30pm – 4pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89637883827…
Meeting ID: 896 3788 3827
Passcode: 599900